This week, we had two team meetings. During on meeting on Friday 10/25, we went through the existing solutions we identified for the preliminary report to see potential routes for our own solution. We came up with some questions concerning the implementation of some of these technologies that would require more research, so we assigned each group member something to research before our next group meeting. Cecily researched bioimpedance and temperature sensors, Anisha looked into patents again, and Gaby looked into the potential software we would use. During our meeting on Wednesday 10/30, we each presented what we learned during our research and again came up with more questions that would need to be answered.
Next steps:
Can we meet with Dr. Klaesner Monday 11/4 at 9am during team time?
Continue researching to find more potential solutions
After meeting with Dr. Klaesner, set up a meeting with Dr. Hammill to present what we have learned thus far
Continue updating the website